
Horoscopes for June 5th-11th

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Dancing close. It’s time to reach for a connection. Sometimes, our relationships are our greatest teachers. Whatever the lesson is, take responsibility for your experience so that you can find your internal power. Carry a sense of optimism into your relationships. Bring the love with you, and you’ll always find it there. Create a philosophy that says, “I don’t let other people’s moods tell me how to feel. I love myself and as I move through the world, my love expands.”

Full Moon in Scorpio

The 2017 Scorpio Full Moon is a mama cat pushing kittens forward with her nose. You, little kitten, are getting nudged. Gently guided toward the game, the snack, the nap. O, abundant world! You have everything you need. That’s the first thing this moon wants you to know.

And now you are growing into a tiger … and the moon keeps nudging you forward. As a tiger you aren’t afraid to go all-in. You know how to fight, to feast, to make love. You can go to powerful extremes. But the moon keeps nudging you along and now you reach the height of bravery. You become brave enough to let go of control … and in doing so find that you are stronger than before. And the moon keeps pushing you forward to a wild and spiritual surrender so that you can continue to evolve. Transcending even your own ego...

Horoscopes for September 26th-October 2nd

Libra :: Libra Rising
Flower Garlands. This is a time to dig deep into your heart and remember what it is that you want. This week brings you to a point of new beginning. Can you separate out what is your desire and what is someones else’s? Get really clear about what you want in all the areas of your life. What feels a little sticky or crunchy or just generally gooey? What is unresolved?...

Refine + Align... your horoscope for the week of August 29th

Here are the stats for this week's astro action:

On Monday, Mercury is conjunct Venus in Virgo. This is a lovely moment to communicate your affection. Create balance and harmony with your words. Refine your mindset. Relax, enjoy and luxuriate. Meditate on abundance. Mercury is about to go retrograde, and essentially looks like it is standing still...

Your Horoscope for the week of July 25th

Leo or Leo Rising::

Noticing all the tiny seeds inside a sunflower.

Can you count the grains of sand in the world? Can you count the stars in the sky? This week has you vacillating between feeling so in love with the bigness of the universe and feeling frozen in the details. Hold true to the knowing of your infinite self. Ride the wave even if it feels as if it isn’t going anywhere. The more that you pay attention to that flame of intuition deep inside of you, the better you will be able to decide what to do.

Travel and exploration are about to become less erratic, giving you time to catch your breath and make necessary internal changes. In the coming months, you may be more focused on your finances. These shifts are beginning this week and it may feel dizzying momentarily, the way it feels when you’ve been spinning in circles and then suddenly stop. Give yourself a moment to catch up with your new tempo. Be wary of self-criticism. Simply allow. Find a cozy seat in the sun and count the seeds, pondering the perfection of life.

weekend horoscopes May 27th-29th, 2016

Gemini :: Gemini Rising

Golden bricks lined up in a row. You are working on finding your golden path. The yellow brick road that leads you to yourself. It leads you to understand your own inherent worth and the wholeness of who you are. Relationships can teach you about your worth through support or challenge— usually a combination of both. Take every relationship trial as an invitation to learn more about who you are, where you come from and where you are going.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising

Mother bear with her cubs. You’ve got to get that daily life stuff together, but it’s hard! There are some blocks. Maybe it’s hard to motivate? Maybe something keeps getting in the way of getting yourself organized, feeling physically healthy and practicing productive time management. Be a good mother to yourself and prioritize self-care. Maybe get some support in this— you may need to learn how to do it. Strangely enough, modern day self-care is not something we are born knowing how to do. We have to prioritize learning how to do it well. Take a workshop, read a book or hire a consultant. You deserve it.

Leo :: Leo Rising

Carrying a chalice filled with coins, ancient and valuable. Bring yourself into your heart center and remember what makes your heart sing. You need to be able to truly express yourself. This is so important to you and this is also where you may be feeling blocks right now. These limitations are designed to help you break through into your most creative and expressive self. So don’t get discouraged. It’s not an easy road. The key is to go back to your value system. Use your values as your navigation tools and let them help you make key decisions that will streamline your ability to live your most creative life. Be clear about where you want to go and view limitations as opportunities for growth.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising

Solving a crossword puzzle. You are fitting all the pieces together. Some of the questions you are being pressed to solve have to do with your home space or where you come from— this could be your family, your roots, your ancestors. Where are you carrying ancient wounds? These are wounds that are passed down the family line. We inherit whatever is left unhealed, and it is up to us to heal. Exploring these old ancestral wounds will help you know your own identity. Get centered enough in yourself to slow down your thoughts and notice if there are any limiting beliefs lurking in the background. Limiting beliefs sound like: I’m not worthy, I’m defective, I’m a failure, etc. These limiting beliefs are sometimes passed down generationally. You can change them! Start by writing them down. Sit with the words for awhile (a couple of weeks) so that they lose their power, then turn them around to something that feels empowering. Use logic! Give your brain evidence for why these old limiting beliefs are false and why the new beliefs are true. It’s a puzzle, but if you work at it, you will heal generations past, present and future.

Libra :: Libra Rising

A rainbow. Limitations may be showing up around how you think and learn or around your community, neighbors, siblings. Maybe you are having a hard time focusing under the pressures of so many different voices and demands. You may have said yes to too many exciting opportunities. So many ideas, so little time to fulfill them all.  Turn to your intuition or other-worldly guidance for support. Get some time alone so that you can prioritize and back-engineer some of the projects you really want to make happen. This will help you shine in your best light.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising

Deep in the forest. You may be figuring out how to manage your finances or your value systems. What makes you feel secure in the world? That is what is coming to a head right now. Remind yourself of the abundance of nature. Lean on your friends a little bit for their support. And try to realign with your hopes and dreams as well. Get out of the problems of the moment and into the vision of the future if you can.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising

On a hot air balloon ride. And it’s a wild ride right now. This is a moment of getting in close with yourself and asking some hard questions. Who are you? Where are you going? What is the path and purpose that you have set out for yourself in this life? These questions might currently feel tricky and loaded. You could be feeling a little pessimistic about how you’ve aligned yourself. If that is the case, your salvation lies in considering the service that you provide to the public. Do good work! Roll up your sleeves and dig in. That act will get you out of doubt and into buoyancy.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising

A bridge. Ah. You are moving though some heavy fog. Where are the boundaries? Has everything dissolved? Spiritual limitations may be arising. How can you make sense of the immaterial and nebulous parts of life? You must form some sturdy philosophies about subjects that usually evade definition. And you have to do this right now because you seeking orientation. It’s not fun to be lost in the fog for too long, especially not when there is work to do. Create a philosophical bridge for yourself that will help you to know where you stand and where you are going.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising

Flowering vines. You have to find your center in your community. You may feel friendless and isolated. Or somewhat turned down around the mouth when it comes to dreams and aspirations. Yet this too shall pass! You can help yourself by noticing what you have been refusing to accept and making that transition through grief and loss. Let your heart break open and find the sweetness that comes from accepting your emotional state no matter what it is.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising

An ancient scroll. It’s possible that you are facing external blocks in your career or vocation. If that is true for you, remember that this coming up so that you can find more alignment. Here is what the astrology of the moment suggests may be the key: Notice what you tend to project on to other people. What emotions and personality traits do you allow yourself to have and which ones do you only find in the people around you? As a clue, notice what bugs you about someone else, and see if that is something that you really want to work on within yourself. Make the appropriate adjustments in these areas. If you can be more honest with yourself, you will find it easier to navigate the vocational sphere.

Aries :: Aries Rising

Crouched in the garden under the moonlight. Wanting to explore, wanting to find philosophical truths, but maybe feeling a little unsure or disconnected right now. Get close to the rhythms and cycles of Mother Earth to remind yourself on a physical level that your primal connection to nature is intact and that the more abstract meaning will come when your physical needs are met.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising

Woven tapestries. You are doing a deep dig into merging, holding on and letting go. Loss and sadness may loom high, if so, remember that this is part of a greater process of acceptance. We are always in a process of grieving and accepting things in life. It’s part of the cycle. Make room for all of your emotions. The light at the end of the tunnel reminds you to use the tool of creative expression to make meaning of it all. Center yourself by finding a unique way to show the world who you are.

Astrology for the Week of March 20-26

Follow your yellow brick road... artwork by Sandy Sitron


The Sun moves into Aries! Spring Equinox! The beginning of the new astrological calendar.

Aries is the first sign. A FIRE sign. Fire is the “Identity principle.” Aries is learning about Identity in personal and action-oriented ways. The key phrase for Aries is “I am.”

I always think of Aries as the baby’s first cry when it is born. “I am” the baby cries! I am here. I am alive. 

Aries deals with themes of individuality. Defining of self. Leadership. Self-confidence. The pioneer.

Meditation for Aries from Joan Hodgson’s “Astrology the Sacred Science”:

“It is good for the Arietian to meditate often on the still clear flame on the altar, in the sanctuary of his innermost being. Look into the flame; feel it’s qualities of cleansing and illumination. See it growing stronger and brighter, and go right into the heart of the flame. Feel it burning away all that is selfish, proud, opinionated and unworthy in your nature. Until only pure love, the pure gold remains. In the flame you are one with the Great spirit. His light and power shine through you to illuminate dark places, and to bring new hope and courage to those who are despairing.”




There are no major aspects today, but the Moon is Void of Course from 6:51 pm - 6:40 am on Tuesday, so it is a great time to learn about Void of Course Moon.

The Void of Course Moon is an “in-between time.”

Our Moon satellite moves relatively fast— changing signs about every 2.5 days. Void of Course is the time period beginning when the Moon makes it’s last aspect in a sign and ending when the Moon enters the next sign. 

The Void of Course Moon is a time of distraction, confusion, and also… openness. Openness to what is unknown. It is flow-y, intuitive and undefined. 

At the VC moon you may choose to do small projects like organizing your things. You may choose to go inward and meditate. Take advantage of this time of heightened intuition. It’s not a great time to make a large announcement that you want a lot of people to hear. It’s not a great time to make a big decision. It’s definitely not a great time to spend a lot of money on a expensive item. Things may not be as they appear at this time. It’s a time for more inward, reflective processing. 

For those of you interested in marketing, getting out there and getting heard, take note— the void of course moon is a time when your words may not be noticed. So save your Instagram posts for moments when the Moon is not Void of Course!


This week the Moon is Void of Course:

March 21st at 6:51 pm - March 22nd at 6:40 am

March 23rd at 10:24am - March 24th at 9:22am

March 26th at 8:35 am - later that day at 3:45 pm



Mercury enters Aries.

"Mindset" Mercury enters Aries-- the sign of the leader, the entrepreneur, the pioneer, the warrior. This is a time period to bring these themes to the front of your mind. This is a time when we focus on mental boundaries. “Who am I?”, “What do I say yes to?” “What do I say no to?”  Practice being decisive during this time. Practice learning to love yourself fully. 



Sun Conjunct Mercury, Jupiter Square Saturn, South Node Conjunct Chiron

Full Moon in Libra 8:01am EDT

Lunar Eclipse at 3 degrees 17 minutes of Libra, penumbral eclipse (subtle lunar eclipse)

Moon Void of Course 10:24am-9:22 am

A lot of energies come to a head today. Themes: Consciousness. (Sun conjunct Mercury) Letting go of behaviors that no longer serve you. (South Node Conjunct Chiron) Creating a stable base for expansion. (Jupiter Square Saturn) Setting boundaries so that you can partner effectively with others. (Full Moon in Libra) Allowing the Unknown. (Void of Course Moon)


This is a day to bring all of the Letting Go that you have been experiencing during this month to a point of crescendo. Plan some kind of ritual that focuses on connecting with your Wise Mind, your Inner Guidance. Keep your calendar light to leave space for the unknown. 


Issues in a relationship may encourage you to define where you begin and where the other person ends. Good questions for today… When anger arises within you, can you express it without putting the other person on the defensive? How would you do that? Maybe begin by owning that the emotion is your own, and that no one else made you feel it. It’s important to be able to express your anger without turning it into a weapon.

Or, are you one who is never angry, but is mysteriously surrounded by “angry” people? The Libra / Aries opposition reminds us that projecting your anger really doesn’t help. Figure out how to take it back. 



Mercury Trine Mars

The perfect transit to come down off of the intense energy of Wednesday’s Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse. Integrate your new knowledge of yourself. You have learned a lot about who you are. Today’s harmonious trine energy allows you to do something with this knowledge.



Venus Opposite Jupiter, Venus Square Saturn

Receive abundance and stability. You may have to maneuver to get yourself into a position where you can receive. We tend to position ourselves to act and forget to open ourself up to assistance. In fact, it seems like all of the fun is in the action sometime. But we all need balance between action and reception. Today is a day to discover where you can “lean back.”



Venus Sextile Pluto, Sun Trine Mars

Moon Void of Course 8:35am - 3:45pm

Do what makes your heart sing. Find great pleasure in action today. It’s a day to define your next point of evolution and take the first step on the road in that direction. As the Moon is VC most of the morning and afternoon, employ your intuition to help you know which way to move next.



Horoscopes for February 5th

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising

A geodesic dome. You are seeking soothing. Are you yearning for a plan? It’s already formed. Relax and let it come forward to your conscious mind. In the meantime, look for the beautiful symmetry that exists in nature all around you. You are part of that symmetry. If you need reassurance, find it in the structure and harmony of nature.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising

Looking up a stairway to a light at the top. Hope is the thing that you need to hold in your heart. It’s both easy and hard to do. Don’t let doubt seep in. There is no reason for it. Just keep training your mind back to Hope. This is a practice.

Aries :: Aries Rising

An orca whale taking a breath. It’s time to stop holding back. It’s time to trust your own wisdom. What are you waiting for?

Taurus :: Taurus Rising

Sunlight shimmering on the water. Get on your knees in awe of the beauty in the world. There is a lightness that you are subconsciously craving. That sense of soaring. Find the thing that evokes that feeling in you and coast as long as you can. There is special medicine in the feeling of awe. It’s transformative.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising

A mother cow with her calf. You are learning how to take care of yourself. Joyously do things that make your body, mind and spirit feel good. If it isn’t joyous, it’s not self-care. Be playful and nurturing and direct that energy toward yourself.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising

An old woman with a scythe heading to the field. You are ready to reap your harvest. What plants have you been tending? It’s time for your feast. Enjoy yourself thoroughly, you’ve worked hard for this moment.

Leo :: Leo Rising

Morning mist above a lake. Some things seem unsure. Maybe you feel as if you are drifting a bit right now. Hold yourself in this state of questioning for a moment. Don’t fight for the answers. Allow yourself to drift and wait to see what materializes out of the mist.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising

A willow tree. Have you shielded yourself? Are you in hiding? Think of yourself as safe and fearless. Adapt to your surroundings. The feeling of love cancels out fear. Think of the love that you feel for nature. That feeling will help you let go of your shield.

Libra :: Libra Rising

A pile of diamonds. You are secure. What you are doing has value. Let the feeling of doubt drift away with the wind. What we focus on gains momentum. Focus on the feelings of certainty and clarity. Don’t leave room for anything else.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising

A lightbulb turns on. You are ready for epiphany. Breakthrough. Eureka. Do what you need to do to create the space for a mental breakthrough. Usually, this involves some combination of curiosity, openness, and focus.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising

A wild boar. You are ready to take on your next project. Take stock of what you have accomplished so far and prepare to step into the next phase. Do so with tenacity and energy.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising

A garland of roses. You are interwoven with your community. Feel the sense of connection and trust it. Social accomplishment is so important to you and you are making it happen. Lean on your community for support when you need to, you don’t have to go it alone. In fact, a great leader is very good at working with others.