Horoscopes for June 25 - July 1

Cancer // Cancer Rising
Kaleidoscope patterns morph and dissolve. You are dissolving blocks, especially in your relationships. Engage the power of your mind. Your imagination is even stronger than you think. In a quiet meditative state, give any old mental or emotional blocks a shape and/or color. Then imagine them dissolving. Your imagination is powerful enough to dissolve the old patterns quickly and easily.

Horoscopes for June 11 - June 17

Gemini // Gemini Rising
A sprinkler system. You are ready to set new intentions about how your personality sprinkles out into the world. You radiate out like a water sprinkler, covering a lot of ground with short distance travels, social networks and conversations.  Your intentions for this moon cycle could be set according to two different ideas— consider distraction and consider persistence. Where do you want to position yourself in accordance with these two concepts? Start writing down your thoughts.

Horoscopes for May 28 - June 3

Horoscopes for May 28 - June 3

Gemini // Gemini Rising
Reflection in a pool. The reflection is far away. The light blurs. The ripples crest and dissolve. You may never know if you don’t say. You have to share if you want to be heard. Get to know who you are by reaching out. You don’t know everything already. There’s more to learn and you can learn it through relationship and communication. Reach out to touch your reflection.

Horoscopes for May 21 - May 27

Gemini // Gemini Rising
A frog on a lily pad. Fins turn into legs. The tadpole turns into a full-fledged frog. You now know more. You’ve lived in the water and you stand on land. You have experience. You know who you are. Let yourself stand tall in the knowing that you are allowed to be yourself. You don’t have to hide. Stand your ground. You are becoming more confident. This is a subtle change that is still developing. Confidence is a super power.

Horoscopes for May 14 - May 20

Taurus // Taurus Rising
A firefly lights up. There is an illumination. Electrical currents are being stimulated within you and it might not feel normal. Notice the new ideas that are coming in. You are ready for real change. Change is unpredictable and that might not be very comfortable for you. Set intentions that direct the changes. Remember, you are the conductor. The energy is coming through you and you can tell it where to go.

Horoscopes for April 30 - May 6

Taurus or Taurus Rising
A lightening bolt. A lightening bolt is surprising. It comes out of nowhere and its trajectory is unpredictable. How will you let yourself be broken open in fresh surprising ways? A partnership can stretch you and help you pop into a whole new way of being. Be brave and zap yourself out of your comfort zone. You’re grounded enough to help the current of change flow in the right direction.

Horoscopes for April 23 - April 29

Taurus // Taurus Rising
A precious diamond. You have an opportunity to get familiar with new facets of yourself. Let your individuality shine. You can begin by complimenting yourself and being kind to yourself. Take good care of your body. That will help you feel the confidence to bedazzle. Tend to your body, mind and spirit and you will feel more grounded. Then you can truly sparkle.

Horoscopes for April 16 - April 22

Aries // Aries Rising
Bunnies in a field. You’re eating and growing. Look around for inspiration in the new grasses and tiny flowers. You are fresh and new. Can you feel it? Trust that you have every right to be here and relax into softness if possible. When something startles you, your instinct this week may be to overreact. Look for ways to feel safe and happy just being yourself.

Horoscopes for April 2 - April 8

Aries // Aries Rising
The petals of a sunflower are vibrant and connected. You are yearning to reach higher and have the brilliance of your yellow petals reflect the light of high noon. In the process of growth there are obstacles. Talk to your inner critic so that it doesn’t control the conversation. See the obstacles as friends. See the growth as expansive. You are reaching higher and you are seen. Focus on heart and hearth, especially when it comes to career. You have one path of growth and it reaches straight upwards.