Virgo Full Moon 2023

Photo by James Lee on Unsplash

Full Moon :: March 7 2023 :: 6:40 am CST :: 16 degrees Virgo

A Unicorn dances with you in the moonlight.

This time is flush with symbolic wisdom. Your dreams and inner guidance are strong, but it may take time to unravel the meanings of the messages. Dance with the unique and weird images that come your way. Take a little time to drift and dream. See things you’ve never seen before. All of this imaginative processing can give you respite from the intensity of reality.

A Full Moon holds the tension of opposites. The Moon in Virgo is opposing the Sun in Pisces. Virgo asks us to deal with the most practical factors of our existence, while Pisces leads us into the spiritual side of things.

It’s so hard to get perspective with this Full Moon. Virgo brings us into the small details and Pisces flings us so far afield that we are no longer in the Earth realm. How do you maintain a consistent and objective view of your current reality with these forces at work? It’s very difficult to plan or get a clear mental perspective.

Saturn and Pluto are both changing signs in March 2023. Today, on the Full Moon, Saturn is leaving Aquarius, where it’s mostly been since March of 2020. And on March 23rd, Pluto is leaving Capricorn, a transit that begin in 2008. Obviously there’s a lot to say about these shifts, but for the sake of this post, imagine that we are collectively standing in a cosmic doorway, saying goodbye to old energy and hello to the unknown. This Full Moon underscores the big rally cry of these shifts. To me, it’s as if everything feel big, symbolic, a bit overblown, like a pattern that never ends and wild with possibility at the same time. It feels as if everything must be resolved NOW, but there is no good plan or solid ground to walk on. The best advice I might offer is to prioritize and remember that nature is slow.

And! As if all of this isn’t enough already, Jupiter and Venus are benevolently dragging you through the healing Chiron mud. Wow! I would objectively say that the current astrology is A LOT. Relationships or values may feel especially mucky. When relationships are tenuous, it’s hard to relax. And when your values are in an upheaval, it’s harder to make decisions, focus and stay balanced. Processing your old emotions is hard work, but now is the right time for it.

Big takeaways: 

Moon in Virgo - Bow down to the mundane, do what needs to be done.

Sun, Mercury, and Neptune in Pisces - Embrace your blind faith. Don’t try to plan, just trust.  Where it’s possible, enjoy the magic of the moment. Enjoy the sunlight as it streams through the window and notice your shadow on the wall.

Saturn and Pluto changing signs - Remember that these are high-energy times. A lot of content is finishing up and new themes are beginning. You need to prioritize so that you don’t burn out on all of this. Refer to the Virgo and Pisces advice above for help with this. Take care of the mundane details and have faith if possible.